"The Gorgeously Green Diet" Chapter 1 Review

Hello all my fellow readers. In the coming months, I will be reviewing a couple of really great books. This particular book "The Gorgeously Green Diet" is one of my favorites. It helps you answer all the questions of healthy living and moving over to a "Green" eating plan. I hope you all enjoy reading these reviews and take notes as I move through each chapter of this book. Thanks again and Happy Reading..

I have discovered a wonderful best selling Author. Her name is Sophie Uliano. She is down to earth and just one really super person. She has discovered lots of different ways to live green and stay fit and healthy while doing it.

In chapter one of the book "The Gorgeously Green Diet" she explains how we can all get disillusioned with everyday life and with food. She explains that while we think that eating these pre-packaged food may be a convenient way to get through our day, these food choices can make us fat, tired and sick.

In short, there are toxins and pesticides that leach into our soil that continue to make us sick. The bottom line here is that anything that is pre-packed, not organically grown and is processed can inhibit us from living a leaner healthier life.

The most important thing to remember is to slow down! Take some time to really enjoy the food that you prepare as it is the source of life. You can really learn a lot from this book. In the coming chapters, it will teach you not only how to shop at the grocery store, but give you a full menu and teach you that growing your own foods can be very rewarding to your health.

Healthy Tip# 1 Before Breakfast

Drink an 8oz glass of water with the juice of 1/2 of a lemon. Not only does it kick start your metabolism, but it cleans out your kidneys. We all know that a daily cleansing from the previous day of eating badly can make a difference in your daily routine.

Here is a fun fact: Lemon's have cancer fighting agents.

SO... drink up folks! And have a "Gorgeously Green " Day :-)


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