"The Gorgeously Green Diet" Chapter 5 Review

Chapter five is one of the most interesting chapters so far.

It's about how you you plan to eat the best foods. Organic and whole foods that have not been tainted by pesticides, chemicals or hormones. It also shows us that shopping online rather than taking that trip to the market or the mall can make a positive Eco Impact.

Sophie breaks down each food group and where to shop online for your food and health products. She even includes the websites for each and every food group. She states that the purpose of this diet is to make practical daily choices not only for yourself, but for your family and your pocketbook.

Here is a fun fact:

You could drive a small car 20 miles on the energy it takes to make a single hamburger.

Meat Meat and MORE Meat!! People who eat it, seem to not want to give it up. However, if they could see what's its doing to their bodies, they would give it up in a literal heart beat. It's not the meat itself, but the portion size. As I always say, everything in moderation. Animal meats contain lots of FAT. Let's face it folks, fat makes you fat! CAFO animals are given growth hormones and antibiotics. However, GRASS FED animals are not.

The section on grass fed beef was extremely informative but too much to include in this review. Here are some links to find Grass Fed Beef:

You can also fine money saving coupons on her website as well.www.gorgeouslygreen.com/coupons

Here is the link for Chicken: www.peatalumapoultry.com

The chapter goes into specifics about organic milk, yogurt, eggs and cheeses. The major point that is made here is "Eat Organic"! This is an extensive primer to your eating plan and changing your lifestyle. Think about what the impact will be if you follow these steps and create a healthier and leaner "Greener" you!

If you have not already, I highly suggest that you purchase the book and read this extensive chapter. She includes all of the links to make your"Gorgeously Green Diet" purchases online.

If you would like more links, you can request them by commenting on this blog. My goal is to help as many people as possible. I remember a time when I needed all the help I could get. Research was my best friend.

Until next time... Happy Eating :-)))

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