"The Gorgeously Green Diet" Chapter 3 Review

In this chapter of "The Gorgeously Green Diet",  you will fine some very intriguing information about the obvious. We eat too much and we exercise too little. This chapter moves me the most. I continue to search for the most accurate ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and it's here that I have found it.

The main focus is on portion size and balancing healthy fats. Do you remember, in our school days,  reading about our ancestors hunting their food and using their every muscle in daily life. They used up 5000 calories a day and maintained stellar condition. Now, we have McDonald's and Burger King to feed us the unhealthy fast food we have come to love. It's a horrible display of the most unhealthy, but very tasty (to most people) food to the human eye. But, It's a balance of the food we eat and the exercise that we condition ourselves to maintain. The eye's can be deceiving, however we need to treat our bodies like a temple, our most precious diamond.

There are better ways to maintain balance. Start by using smaller plates and eating half the portion sizes we have all become so accustomed to. Incorporate 10 minutes of exercise a day and you will find yourself making time for more. We spend too much time sitting, when we need to be moving.

One of the things that stands out in my mind is the cruelty that we bestow upon ourselves on a daily basis. We eat foods that are high in fructose corn syrups, preservatives and hormone-disrupting chemicals. It's TOXIC to our bodies and our longevity.

What can we do to make these chemicals a thing of our past? In the coming chapter reviews of the book, I will lay the plan at your feet. It is your decision to pick them up and use the tools that so may of us have decided to put away for the sake of convenience. You will learn in the coming chapters just how easy and convenient eating healthy can be.

Until then... Have a "Gorgeously Green Day" :))

On a side note...
I find myself thinking about what I have done to myself over the years. I have done so many destructive things to my body and it's taken a long time to get back just a part of the health I felt when I was young. My goal is to maintain a healthy, long life. When I first started, my plan was to become as thin as possible for my body type.

However, in reading this book I have come to realize that thinner isn't always prettier! Removing all of the fat from our bodies can age us in ways that not even I can imagine. My goals have since changed... I want to look and feel young. Age is irrelevant to me. It's just a number. :)) So remember your goals and think about what you really want out of life. Take a good hard look at the inner self as well. Cleanse your mind and body and you will find your "Gorgeously Green" outlook on life.
Happy Eating :))

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