"The Gorgeously Green Diet" Chapter 4 Review

"The Gorgeously Green Diet" Chapter 4 Review
One Size Doesn't Fit All
This chapter begins with a great statement. "One Size Doesn't Fit All"! That speaks to me in volumes. One size should not be for everyone. I used to look at all the Super Models in those girly magazines and think "I want to look like that". Now I look at them and they are just too damn skinny. There is nothing to them but skin, bones and plastic(for some). Skinny is a state of mind in my opinion. Beautiful is in the eye of the beholder. How you feel about yourself is merely a decision you make everyday.
Chapter 4 is again about making decisions. This time you have to pick what shade of "Gorgeously Green" you are. There are 3 basic shades of Green. There is Light Green, Bright Green and Deep Green. You get the picture right..
It's about choosing how Green you are and deciding how Green you would like to become. I think of it as a gradual process. There are some who just don't have time to give up their microwaves. That would make you a Light Green. Then there are some who recycle and even go as far as growing veggies but won't compost. That's a Bright Green. Then you have the ones that go as far as having Solar Backpacks and composting toilets. That makes you a Deep Green.
All in all, it's about picking your shade and realizing that you can gradually grow into the "Green" you want to be. It's an awesome way of saying that however your living is OK. If you want to make the changes, then here are the tools to help you in your Journey. 
For those of you taking this journey with me, I want you all to know how much I appreciate all of your views on this subject and welcome all of your thoughts. The goals I have set for myself are simple, but I want to take a step further this year. To go along with eating healthy, I want to start a recycling program in my community. A recycling day where people can bring whatever they need to keep all of the harmful waste out of our dumps.
So there you have it folks! Let's get started on cleaning up our Planet instead of killing it!
Have a " Gorgeously Green Day"!! :-)))

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