Friday, December 26, 2014

Making Cookies for Santa- Cookie Party with the Boys- The Cookie Blunder!

Cookies for Santa

Cookie Party with the boys

Every year we have a traditional cookie party so the boys can make cookies for Santa. 
This year the boys and I went next door to visit our best friends and have the cookie party there.
It was quite an experience this year and the cookies were not quite the BLUNDER we had anticipated.

With all of the fun cookie cutters and rolling pins, it's not as fun if the cookie dough ends up a bit too sticky to roll and cut. Which is exactly what happened! No matter how hard we tried to fix it, it just was going to happen. So instead, the kids got creative and we let them go their own way this time. This is what they ended up with.. 

The party was a success! 
They had a great time and Santa even made an appearance that night.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!!

Until next time, Happy Eating!

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