Friday, January 23, 2015

Savory Chicken and Sausage Soup

Savory Hearty Chicken Soup

It's Dinner Time

Well, here I am again in the grocery store. I am looking for something to feed the boys and I am at a loss. I see lots of premade meals and I am thinking...NOT tonight! Tonight I am going to take some fresh ingredients and make them a healthy meal.

I ask them, "What do you want for dinner?" I knew the answer was going to be pizza. It's always pizza! Of course I said no and they did their pout face. I walked by the soup isle and said, "Hey, you want some fresh chicken soup for dinner?" 

I got a pretty fair response, so off to the veggies we went. Here is what I decided on.

Chicken and Sausage
Canned Corn
Onions- 1 white and chives
and Chicken Broth

My kitchen in full force. I made every part of this dish separately.

I grilled the potatoes and the chicken. Then in a separate pot, I added the chicken stock and veggies along with some garlic powder, salt and a tablespoon of sour cream.

 I cut up the chicken and sausage and added them to the pot to finish off the dish.
Here is the finished dish.

My favorite part of cooking is plating the dish.

I added a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese to the top of the soup for taste and presentation.

I think this is more of a stew then a soup. However, the dish was absolutely devine.  It was all cooked as perfect as any soup could be. I find that cooking things separately sometimes makes it easier to have all the ingredients cooked evenly.

Thank you for reading my blog and Have fun with some fresh ingredients tonight!
Happy Eating  :-)

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