Thursday, February 19, 2015

Colonel Sanders KFC may have missed the mark!

I think KFC may have missed their mark this time.  A couple of weeks ago in a drive thru visit,  my friend unknowingly got more than she bargained for. 

She orders a box lunch with an extra chicken leg.  The drive thru visit went smooth and she gets back to work.  Finished with the mashed potatoes,  she proceeds to open the box to eat some yummy chicken.  She picks up the chicken leg and before she takes a bite,  looks down at the other piece of chicken to gasp at what she found next.  A long black hair sticking out from underneath the breading.  WHAT!!!!
That's not the end of the story folks.... She called the managers immediately and tells them the story,  and they reply with "Bring it back and we will issue a refund".. The biggest surprise of all is the response she received upon her return visit.  They refunded her for what she brought back and not the entire order.  They also took the food back in through the drive thru window!  Who knows what they did with that chicken. .. They could have served it to some other unsuspecting person after they pulled the hair out....
C'mon folks, this is not the first incident of misrepresentation.  You have drive thru workers licking the mashed potato containers after spilling gravy on them and dry boogers on your mirrors in your dining area. Do I really need to continue?
There is something to be said for a clean restaurant and good customer service, don't you think? 

Once again, Thank you for reading my Blog and Happy Eating.  
Let me know what you think about this article.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Desire for a Culinary Masterpiece- Cheddar's Restaurant Review- Avon Indiana

Desire for a Culinary Masterpiece-
Cheddar's Restaurant Review-
Avon Indiana

Last year Cheddar's opened in Avon Indiana. Needless to say,  I have been waiting for the perfect time to visit the place everyone has been talking about.  So I walk in with my family and am greeted and immediately seated. This is a beautiful restaurant with a row of ceiling fans and a tank full of tropical fish

I opened the menu and there were lots of fun options, so I decide on the Fish Tacos. I am so excited to order but unfortunately the wait was almost too much to bare. It was about 15 minutes before the drinks were served. The restaurant was not busy, however our server seemed to be extremely interested in the 2 tables behind us. I wasn't sure we were ever going to get her attention.

So twenty five minutes into our experience, we finally received the queso and chips. The chips were stale and the queso tasted like velveeta and salsa heated in the microwave. It was clumpy and yellow. The last time I checked, Queso is white...

Sad to say that the chips were the best part of the meal.

Whatever happened to those chefs who put their heart and soul into their food. There was nothing about the food that made me feel as if I was special in any way. When I go out to eat, I make the choice not only because of the reviews but also on how packed the parking lot is.

I made a colossal mistake! This may have been the worst meal I have ever tasted. I took one bite of the taco and immediately put it right back down. The coleslaw was a culinary disaster. The flavor was clearly left somewhere in the kitchen. The tacos' were made with flour tortillas, a spicy ranch sauce and covered in cole slaw.... The same coleslaw that was served as a side dish.

First , let me just say... Fish Taco's aren't traditionally made with flour tortillas. A traditional fish taco is made with corn tortillas. cilantro, onions and a spritz of lime. Where were my wonderful fish tacos? Somewhere in a hole in the wall in Mexico!

The chef's have no heart! They have lost their love of the culinary arts. To serve what could possibly be considered "leftovers", is a disaster in my book. I wanted to see a more heartfelt display of culinary genius, but instead received a low budget meal that could have been bought in the freezer section of your local grocery store. There are no words to describe the disappointment.

Where are the Chef's of late? Where have all of those wonderful cooks and chefs who put their heart and soul into each plate served just for the pure enjoyment. Good food is nothing to shake a stick at. I am not the perfect chef, however if I had been in that restaurant, I would have made a culinary delight to satisfy any person on the planet..... Just saying :-)

A Colossal Midwest Food Blunder

Thank you all for reading my blog and as always.. Happy Eating!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Toasted Ciabatta Bread Sandwiches-Lunchtime Fun

Making lunch for people who love to eat is divine. There is much ado about lunch these days and I have to say "I Love Lunchtime" at my house. I get to create all different kinds of things. Most people enjoy a good dish, but I think I may have a different take on things.

I think every meal should be gourmet. There isn't much I can't do with food. I love to make up my own recipes and serve them to anyone who's hungry. I have to admit that although I may not be the best writer or have the best blog, the things I can create with food are not only simplistic but amazing.

I also love to share the recipes and how it's all done here in the Midwest Food Blunders Kitchen.

Ciabatta Bread Sandwiches

1 Ciabatta Roll
4 slices of avocado
1 cup of imitation crab
3 slices of Havarti Cheese
Top it off with a roasted red pepper sauce you can find in any grocery store
Make your own with sour cream, roasted red pepper and garlic
Toast before you add the avocado and dressing

And there you have it. Not only is this a fun lunchtime sandwich but it's also very simple to make. 
Try your own recipe using the same simple things.

Bread, Meat, Cheese and add a splash of flavor!

Once Again... Thank you for reading my blog and Happy Eating!