Saturday, April 25, 2015

Make Cool Treats with Your Kids- Sammy Makes Treats for His Brother

So I have to tell you this story...

Coming home from picking up the kids from school, Sammy says "Mom. I want to make something for my brother". He says.. It's super special and I saw it today in a book". He goes on to tell me why and what the treat is. Christopher had gotten into trouble last week at "Dad's" and he couldn't play on his Kindle and Sammy decided that he needed a little pick me up...

OK.. I ask him what the treat is and he says it's Star Wars R2-D2 treats made from bananas and chocolate. When I asked him what the recipe was he says "I don't know". Of course the next thing was to have him Google the recipe and he did :-)

I was so proud to see (with a little guidance) pulling up recipes online. 

We set off to the store with the list that he had complied from the internet recipe. He was so excited and actually shopped himself for all of the ingredients. Here is what we purchased for this treat.
Chopped Pecans
White Chocolate Chips
KitKat bars

Preparing the Bananas for the white chocolate covering

Chopped and covered with the pecans

Attaching the Kit Kat bars to the sides with the melted white chocolate

~The Big Reveal~

What was a super cute request became such a proud moment for a doting mother. I love that it was his idea and he made it happen along with the help from my little foodie.

This blog is dedicated to all the little foodies out there!
Thank you Sammy and Christopher!
I love you

Thank you for reading my BLOG.... Happy Baking!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Brittney Diaz and Her Awesome Peach Cobbler!

With Guest Brittney Diaz 

My First Guest on my Blog- My niece Brittney is a big foodie just like me and today I have decided that she needs to share her AWESOME recipe.

Diaz Peach Cobbler

This recipe is simple and filled with wonderful flavor.

Sliced peaches
Yellow Cake Mix
And That's It!!!

Pour the peaches into a pan with the juice.
Then sprinkle the yellow cake mix evenly and top with butter.
Cook for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.



What a simple dessert that will have your family in aw of your baking skills!

Thank you Brittney for sharing this wonderful and delightful recipe!

Ladies and Gentlemen
Introducing Brittney Diaz!

Thank you all for following my Blog and Happy Eating! :-)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Does an Apple a Day REALLY keep the DR. AWAY?

Does an Apple a Day REALLY keep the DR. AWAY?

Is it really true that an apple a day keeps the DR away? As a child I was told that eating one apple per day would keep me healthy. My my my how times have changed. In this day in age you have everything from the Blood Type diet to books on how to look better naked.

Research shows that an apple can help, but it takes more than that to create and sustain a healthy body.  Some people can just naturally burn fat and calories and others spend their life trying to reach the finish line. Unfortunately, I am the ladder. For years I have battled my weight and I can say that I like the size 10 better than the size 22.

Everyone knows that when you get to be a certain age, exercise is a must. It seems like more and more commercials and billboards are related to some type of exercise. Even HULU has come up with a channel called “The Daily Burn”.  My point here is that eating an apple a day is not going to keep the DR away and research studies have proven that to be a fact.

The flip side to this is that if you eat an apple a day, it may lead to healthier eating habits in the long run. Now that might keep the Dr. away for sure…

Thanks for reading my Blog and Eat That Apple TODAY!