Sunday, April 12, 2015

Does an Apple a Day REALLY keep the DR. AWAY?

Does an Apple a Day REALLY keep the DR. AWAY?

Is it really true that an apple a day keeps the DR away? As a child I was told that eating one apple per day would keep me healthy. My my my how times have changed. In this day in age you have everything from the Blood Type diet to books on how to look better naked.

Research shows that an apple can help, but it takes more than that to create and sustain a healthy body.  Some people can just naturally burn fat and calories and others spend their life trying to reach the finish line. Unfortunately, I am the ladder. For years I have battled my weight and I can say that I like the size 10 better than the size 22.

Everyone knows that when you get to be a certain age, exercise is a must. It seems like more and more commercials and billboards are related to some type of exercise. Even HULU has come up with a channel called “The Daily Burn”.  My point here is that eating an apple a day is not going to keep the DR away and research studies have proven that to be a fact.

The flip side to this is that if you eat an apple a day, it may lead to healthier eating habits in the long run. Now that might keep the Dr. away for sure…

Thanks for reading my Blog and Eat That Apple TODAY!

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