Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Blood Type tells it ALL.. Eating for your blood type :-)

Have you heard of this phenomenal style of eating? I am not one for diets, I am more into lifestyle changes for your health. It's a style that is more accepted amongst people who don't live by diets.

I have been following this style of eating for quite some time and I can say that it has been hard to swallow at times. However, it has been a wonderful change for me. I have never felt better.

The book gives you all of the details on how to eat for your body. In my case I wasn't sure why my body would attack itself when I ate things. Well I can say that I was not eating a healthy, well balance diet by any means. I have very little stomach acid, so my body does well in a state of Alkaline. Many people won't understand this until they have read the book. It all makes sense once you have looked into your blood type and read into what is good for you and what is toxic.

If you are a Blood Type A, then you are like me. You should be a vegetarian. Dairy and meat are very toxic to our bodies. It can cause a lot of health problems and most of all can cause a huge weight gain if eaten regularly. There are certain fruits as well that are toxic such as oranges and mangos.

It's all in your blood type. Read up on it and I can promise you this, if you have been sick or keep getting sick it's because of what you eat. Of course all natural is best, but again there are a few ways to get around all of that.

Once you have read this book, then it's on to The Gorgeously Green Diet... That book is amazing and has helped me in so many ways. Do what's best for you and your body. Eat Right for YOUR Blood Type. :-))

AS Always.. Happy Eating :-))))))

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