Monday, July 8, 2013

The Video was an Epic Food Blunder!

The Cooking How To was a complete disaster! I have to say that I was not prepared for the final outcome. It was say the least. It was a complete blunder.
The food came out great but the video that was shot was not. In the last segment of the video, my head was cut off completely. OMG
In the middle of shooting, my son Samuel decided that he would come in and start talking to me because he wanted to be funny.. It was just a day of stress when it should have been a fun thing to do for my readers and for my kids as well.
I may have to rethink the entire thing and come up with an entirely different plan. :-))
SO, onto the next video. We are going to try this again and see if there is a better way to get my entire body in the video this time.. HA HA
So until my next blog... Happy Eating! 

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