Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pay It Forward... Part 2

Let me tell you about my best friend... Isn't that how the song goes?

So if you read part one of" Pay It Forward", then you know the story. If you haven't... Go back and read it then come here and read this one.. Ok Ok here we go. My best friend and I hang out every Friday morning. Recently we experienced a "Pay it forward" moment.
So she tells me on our latest Friday hangout that since then, she has been paying it forward on several occasions.. In line at Starbucks, she has paid for the people behind us on more than one occasion. Then she tells me while eating breakfast in a Café with her son, she chose an elderly couple and paid for their breakfast too...
This experience has changed her in such a way and to be honest.. I can not explain it. Never have I seen such a person devoted to keeping up such a "Good Faith" system. She is like totally on a mission to "Pay It Forward" everywhere she goes.
She is not a rich person. She is an average person, who works 3rd shift and doesn't make much money. Just think, if a person who actually had the means to do it on a larger scale. What a difference it would make is someone's life.
My BEST friend does this often... Just think of what it could mean to someone if you did it too. I would love to have the money to make a difference in (to be more specific) a child's life. One that would impact them until they were grown. Just think.... Another "Pay It Forward" kind of person in this world.
My grandmother Helen was very much that kind of person... Such inspiration in people makes me think that in the end, this world just might be an ok place.
People... I challenge you today to "Pay It Forward" to someone who is least expecting it. Do a good deed without recognition. Play a bigger part in your life.. It can be one of the most rewarding things you have ever done...
THIS post is dedicated to you K.S. With all of my love and Support

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