Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A famous fast food restaurant spoils the dining experience once again!

Driving down main street my stomach starts to growl! Oh's time to eat again. However, finding healthy food in this town is like finding a needle in a haystack. So, I pull through the drive thru since I have to get to work in about an hour. I order the norm.. A chicken quesadilla. Good choice right? Well once again the answer is no.

I proceed to the window and  pay. Then grab the bag to head home. I open the bag and pull out the tasty treat. To my dismay, half of the quesadilla had no cheese, chicken or sauce on it. It was a mess!

SO I called the manager and all they had to say was sorry and you can bring it back for another one. I decided that the few dollars I paid for the blunder was not worth the trip across town to get another. And there you have it folks... My fast food experience that might be the last with Taco Bell.... 4/24/2013

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