Saturday, June 1, 2013

An Orange Julius...You are not! Sorry Dairy Queen

As you all know I am from California. In the summer, we live on Orange Julius from the mall in North County. It's a sortive staple for people who live close to the beach. So a few months ago, we visit the Dairy Queen around the corner to get ice cream for the boys. The boys love chocolate dipped vanilla cones.

I am looking over the menu, knowing that most of the items are not on my diet.... AND there it is! The advertisement for Orange Julius! My eyes almost popped out of my head. I was so excited to think that after all of this time I could get a taste of home.

So I ordered one. I was so excited when the person behind the counter handed me my tasty treat. My heart was racing and my taste buds were jumping and I couldn't wait to take the first sip of my wonderful orange delight. I put my mouth around the straw and take the first drink.....Oh NOO!

This is absolutely "NOT" my wonderful orange tasty treat. It's some watered down orange slushy that somebody cooked up and "CALLED" Orange Julius. I take another drink just to make sure.. Same Thing! I am ridiculously disappointed and can't even imagine why Dairy Queen would even do something like that to me... I was completely devastated. My heart sank.

I took the drink back up to the counter and called the woman behind the counter over. I told her " Ma'am, this is not Orange Julius! I am not sure what this is, but it's just not what it's supposed to be." I told her that I grew up on that wonderful tasty treat and could not believe that this was what I was given. She proceeded to take the drink from me and asked me if I wanted something else. I said "No Thank You" and she threw it away.

I was appalled! She didn't even offer me a refund! So now I have no Orange Julius and No refund either. At this point, I am completely disgusted! It stays on my mind for a couple of days and I become furious. Then I do nothing about it! My solution to this matter is to "NEVER" go to another Dairy Queen again.

I never even gave them a chance to correct the problem. Simply put, if they had the right kind of customer service to start with, then I would have never been treated that way to begin with.


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