Monday, June 10, 2013

Carmike Cinemas Iron Man 3 Movie Blunder

Why is it that every time I try to do something good for my kids..... OK, so yesterday was Christopher's birthday and I decided to take the boys to the movies. Today just happened to be the only day I could take them this week. I looked up the movie times and planned it perfectly so that I could make it to work on time.

Well, what a BLUNDER that turned out to be. The movie started late and there was 26 minutes of commercials and previews! OK, I do understand that there are some previews, but for pity's sake. We had to leave the movie early and my sons' were very disappointed. One of them even started to cry!

I was so upset seeing that they were upset, I went out and spoke to the manager right away. She didn't even have the decency to apologize to me. All she could say was, "I haven't heard any complaints"! Well I was complaining! That is really bad customer service.. AND not to mention that a bag of STALE popcorn was $8.00..

So, I make it to work and all I can think about is my son crying and it makes me even more upset. If you post movie times, then post how long the movie is and how many minutes of previews there are going to be so that a person can plan accordingly. I called and spoke to a different manager, Shane Cooper. This was after I spoke to some kid on the phone who proceeded to hang up on me when I asked for the corporate office number. When he answered the phone, I had to ask him  to repeat himself because you could barely understand him...

I know I am ranting, but service is so important. The manager did comp my kids another couple of tickets. The problem I had was that when I complained (Mrs.Complainer), I didn't even get an apology. I am a stickler for service.. AS you all know! I am happy that it worked out for my kids, but sad to say that I will not visit an establishment that allows their staff to treat their customers any way they please.

On a side note... I love the Iron Man series. When I was looking for a good picture to post, I found these cool Iron Man 3 headphone plugs.. My kids are going to love them!

:-) :-) :-)

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