Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pay It Forward! A Random Act of Kindness

Pay it forward is a term that most people are not familiar with. Today while getting coffee at Starbucks with my dear friend, I experienced an act of kindness. The car in front of us paid for our coffee. So in turn, my dear friend who treated me to a cup, repaid this act of kindness by paying for the car behind us.

Is there such random acts of kindness going on all over the world? Or is it just in our little town in the middle of Indiana. I have never been privy to such an act as I have today. It made me believe that selfless people do exist!

I was so moved by this random act of kindness that it made me want to share it with everyone. It showed me that there are generous people still out there willing to pay for a cup of coffee for two total strangers.

I say to you, commit an act of random kindness and Pay It Forward! Be generous... Be kind...There is nothing better than showing folks you have a BIG heart.

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