Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stuff Your Pancakes! :-)

What A Morning

I woke up this morning to the sounds of my two boys’. One was playing a video game and the other snapping together his K’NEX… Christopher loves to build. He is so creative that he built a coaster to hold his water glasses out of K’NEX.  Sammy just love to play video games and pretend he is a Ninja.
My boys’ also like to cook. They are my two little chefs’ who think that cooking is a great past time. Let’s hope they keep up those wonderful thoughts.  Anyway, so this morning, I tell them I am making them stuffed pancakes (Gluten Free of course)… They liked the Gluten Free crepes we made so much that I decided to do a spin off of them by fattening up the cakes and filling them full of fruit. I made the batter just a little thicker this time.

So Christopher wasn’t interested in cooking this morning. He says’ to me “Mom, You can do it!” I just thought that was a super cute thing and I went about my business. I made 4 large thin pancakes 10 inches in diameter. I then mixed together 2 tbsp. Of store brand crunchy peanut butter and Nutella. Next, I took 1 tbsp. of the peanut butter and of the Nutella and put it in an All Clad butter warmer and heated it until it was smooth enough to pour over the top of the pancakes.
I have to tell you that the smell was divine! It almost smelled like one of those old time waffle houses. You know the kind that used to have antique furniture, white tile floors and served all of the meals on china. All I can say is I have a picture of an old Plantation house in the middle of Savanna Georgia… LOL I think I just got swept away there for a minute. OK, where was I…
Now I remember, I was slathering the mixture on top of the stuffed pancakes. Then I topped them with a few slices of banana and sprinkled with a dash of powdered sugar. The boys’ loved them! They ate them so quickly that I didn’t even get a chance to get a picture of them at breakfast.  

Take my advice… If your children love to eat, try these stuffed Pancakes. They will love them!
You can beat Gluten Free!

Happy Eating :0)

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