Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Grandma's Grilled Apple Pie

What is better then a dinner made on the grill? How about Grilled Apple Pie! 

I love to make anything on the grill. So when I figured out that I could make an apple pie on the grill, I had to try it. The idea came to me in a dream. I have a very small house and when I cook inside, it gets really hot! So I decided one night just before I fell asleep that I would make all my meals on the grill.. In my dream, I have a vision of this beautiful apple pie in a cloud.. I woke up with visions of grandeur and decided that would be my next venture. So off to the store I went.

 Since it was my son's birthday dinner, I also decided to make a roast and potatoes since that is his favorite dinner. The pie came out looking like something from a magazine and tasted like it had been baked in a bakery. The key to this pie was one simple ingredient, Pumpkin Pie Spice! Normally, you would use cinnamon and sugar and a little allspice. I decided to be different this time. 

Onto the Roast and New Potatoes!

As you all know, I do not eat meat. So, I had to rely on my son's taste buds for this one. He said it was "Awesome"... I laughed at him and all he could say was C'mon MOM... Anyway, I made this one half on the grill and half on the stove. I ran out of gas before I could get the roast done. I used a roasting packet for this one. Put the roast in a baking dish and covered it with foil and set in the grill. Then, I placed the potatoes in a dutch oven and put the roast on top of them. Sad to say that I should have checked the tank before I started grilling. 

If you would like to recipe's for the two dishes, please let me know and I will be happy to post. 

Thank you for reading and as always... Happy Eating!

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