Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lessons Learned in Taco Land

There is nothing like going hungry. I have been sitting here watching my children as they eat their lunch and I thought... there is something worse.. A child that goes hungry. My mind was racing. I couldn't bare the thought of it.

As a child, I have gone hungry. I would open up the cabinets and see a black hole. My mother was a high school drop out and worked for a nursing home making 7.50 an hour. So, food was scarce in our younger years.

I think that's why I have become fascinated and passionate about food. My mother was never a good cook. The food she prepared was simple and bland. I don't think I was ever interested in one meal that was made in our childhood home.

I do remember the days when she would go to the store and buy fruit. She always bought a very colorful array of tasty treats. That may have been the only time I was excited to eat.

However, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. My father married a wonderful woman whom of course I didn't appreciate until I got older. She was a great cook. She taught me how to follow a recipe to the letter. She also found great joy in cooking a good meal.

The first meal I ever learned to make on my own were taco's. I L.O.V.E Mexican food. It's a fascinating event with every bite. It peaks your taste buds to the tops of Mount Everest. The flavors and the different ways you can combine fruit, vegetables and meats is as wonderful as the Mexican culture.

The moral of this story is, In the end, it all works out. BUT, what if we never had our saving grace? The one person in our life that cold keep us from starving. My fascination for the endless wonder of delicious eats keeps my mind wondering, what is the best food on earth? My kids think it's pizza and spaghetti....Go figure!

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