Friday, June 7, 2013

Waffle Extravaganza!

Today we took a trip to the "New" local Waffle House. It was super busy and we almost didn't. However, we pull into the parking lot and I can smell the most delicious smell on the planet. "WAFFLES" So we proceed to go in. There are five of us this time. Three of them are children 10, 9 and 8. It just so happens there were five seats at the small bar area where we decide is the best place to be.

I was very excited because this was where all of the action was. It was a very exciting display of "Carnival" like action going on behind the counter. There was music in the background and the servers' yelling out their orders one by one. Meanwhile, there were lots of waffles cooking in the waffle makers.

Then, our wonderful server Marty comes over to take our order. She had a smile on her face and she was the most wonderful and polite person in general. She served our order promptly and even provided us with two coffee's to go. The coffee was wonderful BTW! I give Marty and A+ for her wonderful customer service skills and her ability to help a vegetarian decide what to order from their menu! We need more "Marty's" in this world, that's for sure.

Egg and Cheese Wrap

This was my egg and cheese wrap made especially for me. I think it's a wonderful thing when any restaurant can brand themselves by serving something that's not on the menu. It may not look delicious, but it was! The egg's were light and fluffy as they should be. There was also the perfect amount of cheese. The dish was served with a packet of Mayo and two pickle slices. I did not indulge the mayo and my son Christopher ate the pickles.

Samuel and his Blueberry Waffle
The boys had waffles, bacon, chocolate milk, orange juice and apple juice to drink. They were a hit let me tell you. The boys ate all of their waffles and the bacon. They love to eat breakfast foods! The waffles looked very tasty, but I did not indulge this time. The boys said "We Love Them MOM"! So I think that says it all.

My dear friend ordered a typical breakfast served here in Indiana. The "Tex Mex" as I call it was filled with wonderful delights to scream about if you are a breakfast foodie. The fluffy eggs, hash browns smothered in gravy, bacon and the lovely buttered toast with jelly on the side.

All in all I give this visit an A+ for it was the entire package.. Ant the bill was only $24.80! You can't beat that!

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