Friday, June 21, 2013

Drops Of Lemon.. Fountain of Youth?

Are Lemons The Fountain Of Youth?

For years there have been studies on the benefits of lemons, but are they the fountain of youth? If you search the benefits of lemons on Google, you will see dozens of websites on the benefits of drinking the juice, eating the core and grating the peel on your food and in your beverage's.

Scores of people have reaped the benefits of the little yellow fruit and find that with everyday use, they can cure some of the most commons ailments known to man.

 One of the Health Benefits of lemon juice is... The citric acid found in lemon juice helps to dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits, and kidney stones. Adding fresh lemon juice to a large glass of water in the morning is a great liver detoxifier as well....

These days you can count on hearing someone say they are getting their gallbladder taken out. One of the biggest (in my opinion) "Myths" that our doctors tell us, is that we do not need our gallbladder... Oh, I beg to differ! Our Gall Bladders' are a storage facility for liver bile. It's a reservoir for holding bile on its way from our liver to our intestines. When we do not have that facility, then the need to either watch fat intake, or balance fat with bile supplements and enzymes becomes a necessity. The reason it's a necessity is because there is a lack of flow between our liver and our ability to digest fat. How do you like that!

So, in fact, we DO need our gallbladders people!

So why do I think that lemons are the "Fountain Of Youth"? There are several reasons but I am going to touch on just a few. The first one is the glycolic acid found in lemons and limes activate the cells that have become slow over time. I am living proof that it can make the skin on your face, neck and hands look ten years younger with regular use.

Oh.. And those varicose and spider veins.. Just mix up some lemon and almond oils and rub it on those veins. Lemon oils have the ability the strengthen your vessels. Lemon juice also helps you absorb calcium due to the vitamin C to wort off the affects of Osteoporosis. Then, there is the old eye function as well. Rutin, found in lemons, has been shown in research to improve the symptoms of eye disorders, including diabetic retinopathy.

The best part about lemons is they contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including limonene a naturally-occurring oil that slows or halts the growth of cancer tumors in animals. Lemons also contain a substance called flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells.

Fun Fact #2546

Once you have juiced your lemons, remove the core and put them in the freezer. Take a grater and grate the lemon peels over your meals or put it in your drinks. Not only will you have an unbelievable flavor, but the peel has 5 to 10 times more vitamins than lemon juice!

Lemons! The Fountain Of Youth!

Happy Juicing! :-))

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